Lance, Sword, Spear, Bow & Arrows taught by two Champions in their respective fields.

Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a Knight? How they rode in armour and what did it feel like? How did they train their horses? What is it like to use weapons from your horse accurately. How exhilarating is it to shoot a bow from a cantering horse or engage in sword fighting from horseback? And are these sports today ?
At Australias only Historic Equitation Combat School (HECS) you will start to get an idea of what it was like in the 'Ye Olde Days' and, OH, just how much fun these disciplines really are today, now they are 'modern' sports.
Theres a lot for both you and your horse to learn and try out, but after the 4 days you will have a very good idea of which avenue you wish to take, Horse Archery, Medieval Skill at Arms, Horse Fencing (Melee), Jousting or........ ALL OF IT !

Phillip Leitch

Katrina Kruse
Combine the best of both worlds and learn Martial Arts and Weapons Training from Horseback - you then choose which avenue you'd like to take your training on day four of HECS. Horse Fencing, also known as Melee and RoBfechten, or an introduction to joust training and riding in armour.
Your Instructors for these four days of intensive training are both World Champions in their field of expertise and serious competitors in the rest.
Phillip Lietch is the two times World Jousting Champion and Joust Master at Australias Kryal Castle in Ballarat. Phillip loves to train his Friesian stallion, Valiant, in classical dressage and is a mean shot at Horse Archery. Weapons from horseback are his life and passion.
Katrina Kruse is a Horse Archery World Championships Triple Gold Medalist, Jouster and Owner/Instructor of Medieval Horse Sports Australia, Australias leading Horse Archery school. Katrina specialises in introducing 'newbie' riders and horses to these disciplines. She's been a riding instructor and horse trainer for over 35 years and has dedicated the last 10 years to sharing these disciplines.
Both have attended the world renowned Roßfechten Symposium held in Germany and trained with the best of the mounted combat field.
Your instructors are very excited to be bringing this collaboration to you and it is now an annual event in both Brisbane QLD and Ballarat VIC.

Katrina & Phillip smashing it up
To get an idea of how the four days of training will run click these PDF's for more information.
If you wish to book your horse in overnight for yards or stables you will need to fill in the Registration forms.
Easily book the clinic only portion online via this website here.